Field Status

SPAA Field Status will be updated by 4 PM Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM on Saturdays and 11 AM on Sundays.  This is only updated for SPAA league games and any practices at Strehl Fields.

Strehl fields are open for permitted practices at manager's discretion.

For Woodland, Shady Springs and Olde Towne updates, download the rainout app, Rainout Line, or call 636-400-0122. We are located under S.P.A.A.

SPAA Thanks our sponsors. Please thank them by supporting them when you can.

I am looking for 4- 8U girls to join a team. If interested please call 636-397-3149 ASAP to get added. Thank you.



News & Announcements

2025 Spring Ball Season

Spring Registration is now closed unless by team invite.

Season starts 4/1/25 and will go to the begining of July or until all games have been played. 

Teams will play the age group they played in the 2024 Fall Season.  For girls we will offer 6U through 14U/16U. For boys we will offer 6U through 14U.  SPAA will also offer 4yr and 5yr coed T-Ball.

Registration will open on Monday, December 9 and close on Sunday, February 2, 2025. Managers may set up their team and send invitations to the players to get registered.  Individuals without  team are also able to register and teams will be formed once registration closes. We will be looking for managers for the newly formed teams so please consider volunteering. SPAA will be taking a set number of teams so get your team set up early before we are sold out. 

Registration will be $1700.00 (per team) or $145 (per player) for a 12-game schedule for 6 - 14 year olds and $85 for 4 and 5 year old t-ball with a 6 game schedule.

Play will be Monday through Friday for 6 - 14 year olds beginning April 1st and continuing through middle of July or when all games are played.  For T-ball 2 scheduled practices on April 12 and 26.  This will followed by a 6 game schedule.  T-Ball Manager meeting will be held March 26 at 6pm at 5250 Mexico Rd (Rex Plex South).

Players will need to have uniforms that match.

There will be a manager’s meeting on March 2nd. This meeting will review any rule changes for 2025, team ranking, and you will receive your manager’s packet. Please ensure the manager or a representative can be present at the meeting. More information will be available when the date gets closer.


2025 Strehl Practice Time

Strehl Practice Time will open up starting November 11, 2025 at 9am.  Please follow the instructions below to ensure accuracy.

All requests must be emailed to [email protected] starting at 9am on 11/11/2024.  Any email that is dated prior to 9am will be placed at the bottom of the request pile. 

We will do our best to fulfill all practice request and will notify all parties as soon as we can. We ask that you are patient as this tends to be a lenghty process.

In your request for practice time please include the following:
Specific dates ( i.e Wednesday April 9, 2025, Wednesday April 16, 2025)  Please make sure to list them out and not put every friday as we will nto be able to accept that request
Specific times: 6:30-8pm
Specific field: Field 92
Team Name: Cougars 10U
Contact information for who is reserving the field: Kristine Sizemore   636-397-3149   [email protected] 


Coaches Training

SPAA will continue to  run background checks on head coaches again this year.  Our insurance company has started to  require us to have a procedure in place for this.  Along with background checks, head coaches will need to take a 30–45-minute online class accompanied with a quiz regarding abuse prevention.  Upon competition of the quiz,  a certificate will be printed off to keep and SPAA will be notified that the requirement has been met.  SPAA will be requiring head coaches to participate in our background checks/ training and not another company as there may be different levels of training and background checks. This way SPAA is responsible for what is being trained and the type of background check completed.  


Concussion training will now be required as well.  Training will be conducted at the Manager Meeting on March 2, 2025.  If you are unable to attend , you will need to complete the training on your own.  We will send you the link and upon completion you will need to send the passing certificate into the SPAA office as proof.  Please reach out if you have any questions. 


2024 Middle School Tournament

The tournament will be held starting the evening of August 23 and continue through the evening of August 25.  All games will be held at Woodlands Sports Park in St. Peters. Below is the link to access the tournament schedule and brackets.  Brackets will be updated by the Tournament Director as necessary.




T-Ball Coaches Meeting

Enter event description

Spring Season Starts

Enter event description

No League Play- Easter Weekend

Enter event description

Board Meeting

Board Meeting

1 2

Looking For A New Team Or For Additional Players?

Players Seeking Teams

Teams Seeking Players

Field Locations



FIELDS 1 & 2

1 Park St,  St Peters, MO 63376


FIELDS 9, 10, & 11

3888 Shady Springs Ln,
St Peters, MO 63376


FIELDS 92, 93, 94 & 95

6000 State Highway N,
Cottleville, MO 63304


FIELDS 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

1 Woodlands Parkway,
St Peters, MO 63376